i just had chocolates and a few mouthfuls of SPRITE.
kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me
been attending my financial classes obdiently for the past few lessons.....and i'm starting to get a lil more restless each time. =x. oops. had to skip a few sessions of trainings here and there. but, i practically have training every day except wed. so, i didnt really miss out alot huh.
andddd i just trimmed my hair and nobody noticed. yes, yes, i know it's like a waste of money. but this is just what i like to do. trim it when i feel like.
so, looked up a few jobs. don't know if i would be employed for any. but. whatever las. taking one small step at a time. went for the job interview at the indoor stadium today. rushed around taking cab and every thing to reach on time, in the end they say they currently dosent need my ic photo. #*(^$$#&#^&#&*(@(#&. made me go through all the trouble to take the photo specially for them and they didnt take it! they better employ me.
and....i havent been paying my fine. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy