thought today's training would be hell. BUT WE JUST SLACKED ALL THE WAY. pity panda didnt come. lol. attack defence was kinda fun. LOL. i'm on my way to becoming all-rounder. WATCH ME! *NEXT BIG THING. crazy. but. yea. polo's fun sometimes, sometimes not. oh wells. It builds up lotsa stuff in me. ;)
erh. what else. hols ending in like. 3 weeks? time passes damn fast. blink and it's gone. haven done much stuff this hols. lazing around. dvding, laptop crashing. blah. nvm. i still have another 3 weeks to go. the whole of it is just like a test to me. handle it well, i pass, i hope i do.
ok. seriously. i think i'm a no-life-er. imagine sleeping and watching tv the whole day. maggie mee for dinner. preparing food for the dog. i dunno. what am i supposed to do? haha. i think i've really gotta look for the next chance to club. it's been some time.
and life is unfair in it's sorts of ways. u get this, u don't get that. think life is unfair, think about others. prolly u'll find urself a whole lot more fortunate than the others. that's how i find my way out.
the 'lots' results were out. thank goodness our grouping wasent that bad. the only thing i have to focus on is to bring us to the next stage and to the river. YEA. We'll have a helluva of a time there. I don't think we'r that bad. just that we flop when we get nervous. lols.

HAHA. i have pinchable CHEEKS. that's after much comparison among ourselves.
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