Thursday, November 15, 2007


My parents just set off. to SHANG HAI again.

and the first thing my bro did was to call back and say he will come back late after sending them off. what the hell la. i thought it's me whose more capable of such things. tsk tsk.

And i have to submit my report next week! i'm not even half way through! god bless me please!!!!

The week didnt start off well with work. But it got better afterwards. No point complaining over and over again over the same old thing. Finally i'm starting to learn new things. Past few weeks just chiong the same procedures. Could just doze off easily in front of the desktop if not or my sudoku.

Down with flu.

And a baluku. Thanks to fionnnnaaaa. (#&$*^#&%%^@#@(*#()@*

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